Our Team

Paediatric Allied Health

Emma Joss

I joined Lifespan Therapies in 2023. After completing high school in Bendigo, I was unsure as to what I wanted to do for work. All I knew is that I wanted a job where each day I was able to help make someone else’s life better and easier for them, in whatever way possible. That’s when I was introduced to the world of Occupational Therapy, and I enrolled in the course the same day!

I am forever grateful to be in a career and position where I am able to help others chase their dreams and find creative, unique, and out of the box ways for them to do whatever it is that they desire!

I commenced my university studies straight out of high school in 2019 at La Trobe University in Bendigo. After 4 years of completing my degree through the craziness of COVID, I graduated in 2022 with a Bachelor of Applied Science and Master of Occupational Therapy Practice. Post graduation I moved all the way from Bendigo, in regional Victoria, with my partner and two puppies – Marshall (a groodle) and Pluto (a Spoodle).

Through the completion of university placement and as working as an Allied Health Assistant at a private paediatric clinic, I was able to gain various knowledge, exposure, and experience of what the world of OT entails, as well as working with many children and families, all of whom have different backgrounds, cultures, lifestyles, and hobbies. A personal highlight of this experience was in April 2022, where I was fortunate enough to complete an 8-week placement in Darwin. During this placement I found my true love and passion of paediatric OT as I was able to develop close relationships with the children that I worked with, their teachers and parents, and be able to see the development of their skills from the start to the end of placement. It was a truly amazing and enriching experience and one that I carry much of the knowledge I earned into my practice today!

In my spare time I love listening to and constantly talking about Harry Styles and One Direction – some may call me a slight fan girl! I love taking Melo and Pluto to the beach, for hikes and walks. I also love being able to travel wherever I can with some travel highlights including exchange programs in Samoa and Seattle (America), backpacking through the Northern Territory where I got to meet the Wiggles at Uluru and going on a cruise to New Caledonia. I am also a competitive cheerleader where I have been granted paid bids to compete at Orlando in Florida. I love the sport and thrill of competing many flips and stunts, and have been fortunate enough to be able to continue competing at a new gym here in Brisbane!

Occupational Therapist

Additional training

  • Secret Agent Society Group Program (2021)

  • Developing Pretend Play Skills in Children - Learn to Play (2023)

  • Floortime Therapy – The Greenspan Floortime Approach (2023)

  • Supporting the Occupational Roles of Infants (2023)

  • Introduction to Mat Evaluation (2023)

  • Becoming a Trauma-Sensitive Practitioner – Kim Barthel (2023)

  • Functional Hand Use in Hemiplegia Cerebral Palsy (2024) Neurobiology Matters – Kim Barthel (2024)

  • Occupational Performance Coaching (2024)